Yellow Fever in Brazil (Update 11)
10 Jan 2018
Media reported (in Portuguese) on 9 January 2018 that the number of deaths in the current yellow fever outbreak in Sao Paulo State has risen to 4. The latest fatality was a 48 year old man who was hospitalized at Sao Paulo's Leforte Hospital on 8 January and died the following day.
Recent expansion of yellow fever into the municipality of Sao Paulo and the municipalities of Greater São Paulo (Cajamar, Caieiras, Mairipora, Franco da Rocha, Guarulhos, and Itapecerica da Serra), indicate high risk for non-immunized populations.
Advice for travellers
There is a risk of yellow fever in Brazil, including in São Paulo City.
Yellow fever risk areas in Brazil are shown here.
A traveller's risk of yellow fever is determined by their general risk assessment e.g. country visited, length of stay, city or rural, activities etc.
Mosquito bite avoidance rules should be adhered to - the mosquito that spreads yellow fever bites predominantly during the day.Yellow fever vaccine should be considered for travellers to areas at risk of yellow fever (including São Paulo City) unless contraindicated.
For further information see Yellow Fever.