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Botulism in France: Indre-et-Loire, wild garlic pesto recalled

12 Sep 2024

The French government has reported an outbreak of botulism in the Indre et Loire department. Five people have been hospitalised after eating wild garlic pesto with the "O Ptits Oignons" brand.

The affected product is known to have been sold at these events: 

  • "Fête des Plantes et du Printemps" at the Château de la Bourdaisière in Montlouis-sur-Loire, from 30 March 2024 to 1 April 1 2024
  • "Nature en fête" festival at the Château de Cangé in Saint-Avertin, on 13 and 14 April 2024;
  • "Foire à l'ail et au basilic" in Tours on 26 July 2024 ;
  • "Festival de la tomate et des saveurs" at the Château de la Bourdaisière in Montlouis-sur-Loire, on 7 and 8 September 2024

Any wild garlic pesto with the "O Ptits Oignons" brand must not be eaten and must be thrown away. Seek urgent medical advice if you have eaten this product.

Botulism can be a serious illness which may lead to paralysis. It is caused by a toxin produced by bacteria which can contaminate food.

Symptoms of botulism can develop within a few hours to several days after exposure and can include generalised /limb/facial weakness, visual disturbance, exhaustion, breathing and/or swallowing difficulties. 

Advice for Travellers

All travellers, irrespective of destination are potentially at risk of botulism poisonng or infection. To reduce your risk, you should:

  • practice good hand hygiene and safe food and water precautions at all times

  • avoid eating food from bulging or damaged cans, foul-smelling preserved foods, foods stored at the incorrect temperature or out-of-date foods

  • be careful if consuming food that has been home canned/preserved/cured (including honey from local unregulated suppliers) as these have occasionally been shown to be a source of infection

  • avoid storing food whlst travelling unless you have access to refrigerator facilities - many cases of botulism are linked to foods that are improperly refrigerated prior to consumption

  • seek urgent medical advice if you develop symptoms during or after travel

Further information