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Diseases spread by insects in travellers returning from Europe

02 Aug 2024

The summer holiday season is well underway, with travellers heading abroad to various destination including Europe. Approximately 15 million visitors from around the world are expected to attend the 2024 Paris Olympic Games in France and Tahiti (26 July to 11 August) and the Paralympic Games (28 August to 8 September).

In June 2024, The ECDC highlighted the increasing spread of mosquito-borne diseases in EU/EEA countries . Climate change has resulted in larger geographic areas which are favourable to breeding populations of mosquitoes and ticks. Diseases spread by ticks and mosquitoes are most frequently diagnosed in the summer months.

For information on country-specific outbreaks, see the news alerts section.

Advice for Travellers

Review the advice on staying healthy if travelling abroad this summer 2024

Be aware that diseases spread by biting insects, including ticks and mosquitoes are a risk, including in certain parts of Europe. The risk may be higher in the summer months, and if you are planning on visiting rural areas including parks and woodlands.

After Travel

If you or your family become unwell in the weeks/months after travel, particularly with a high fever, flu-like symptoms, rash and/or diarrhoea, you should seek urgent medical advice. Make sure you always mention your recent travel history to the health professional.

Further information