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Meningococcal Meningitis in Niger

22 Apr 2015

An outbreak of meninigococcal meningitis is ongoing in Niger; cases have been increasing since February 2015. As of 5 April 2015, 461 cases and 62 deaths have been reported. The main serotypes that have been identified include W135, C and pneumococcus. The worst affected regions are Dosso and Niamey in the southwest of the country.

Advice for Travellers

In Niger, the meningococcal season generally runs from Dec-Jun. Immunisation is available for those considered to be at risk:

  • Travellers who are likely to have close, prolonged contact with the local population.
  • Long stay travellers.
  • Those visiting friends and relatives.
  • Those who will be exposed to crowded areas (e.g. stadia, schools, hospitals).
  • Travellers visiting an area affected by an ongoing outbreak or epidemic.