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Poliomyelitis in Somalia (Update)

23 Jul 2013

The outbreak of poliomyelitis in Somalia is widening. In the past week, 20 new poliomyelitis cases have been reported, bringing the total number of cases in 2013, to 65.

Some of the new cases are from inaccessible areas of south-central Somalia. More than 600,000 children are particularly vulnerable to polio in this area. Vaccination posts are being set up in areas bordering inaccessible areas to immunize all populations entering/leaving such areas (including targeting older age groups).

Assessments of high-risk areas and populations continue to be conducted, including mapping chronic conflict-areas and major population movement routes. Local-level access negotiations have intensified, to increase access to populations in inaccessible areas.

Advice for Travellers

It is recommended that travellers have a poliomyelitis booster (or course) if not already protected and take precautions with food, water and personal hygiene.