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The UK Vaccination Schedule


Vaccinations (sometimes called immunisations) are given to protect you against certain diseases that can make you unwell.

  • In the UK there is a routine vaccine programme where vaccines are given at set ages to protect you and your children against certain infectious diseases; this is called the 'UK Vaccination Schedule'.
  • For some diseases a course of several doses of vaccine is needed, while for others just one dose of vaccine is enough.

Although giving routine vaccines is often associated with babies and children, there are vaccines that are also advised for adults.

  • It is important that you have received all of the vaccines that are recommended in the UK vaccine programme to protect yourself and stay healthy.

If you think that you have not received some or all of the vaccines from the UK schedule, you should contact your GP practice in the first instance to find out what vaccines you have previously received, and to make arrangements to catch up with the vaccines recommended for living in the UK.

  • If you are in Scotland, you should contact your GP to request a record of your previous vaccines.  However you will need to contact your local NHS immunisation team to arrange getting your vaccines.

Vaccination Schedule for Children

The current vaccination schedule starts when a baby is 2 months old.  Sometimes, if a baby is at higher risk of tuberculosis or hepatitis B, then these vaccines will be given when the baby is born.

At 2 months

At 3 months

At 4 months

12 to 13 months

From 2 years of age

  • Flu (influenza) vaccine

From 3 years 4 months

From 12 years 

From 14 years

Vaccination Schedule for Adults

Older adults over 65 years of age

Pregnant women


Additional Vaccines for at Risk Groups

People who have serious health problems or who are at particular risk of catching disease may also be recommended to receive vaccines against:

Further Information

Details of what is included in the UK vaccination schedule, including the names of the vaccines administered can be found by accessing:

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